Many people around the world they like with music , many kinds of music genre around the world because every country they have own culture , there are in music need tool to make beautiful music , guitars , pianist , etc In my country also has music namely 'gamelan' this is included cultural heritage which already many years ago , this music tool used with by striking , there are namely 'kendhang' there are namely 'sharon''kempul'gong' etc thisis traditional music in my country But still many kinds of music genre from R&B , blues,rock,jazz, etc and usually each people they have own interest to choose their music as preferable , as long as make them comfort and enjoy , they will like with these music , but sometime some people they like certain music and everytime they hear these music always want to dancing , like as dangdut music , some people said dangdut without dancing like as vegetable without salt Sometime as people that like to singing ,...
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