Analytics Idol - March

FBS broker company , is one forex broker that already having good repuitation among trader , and now they giving opportunity for all trader to take part in contest anaalytics idol -march

Show you analytical talent and win 1000$ competition will held on two round
Round 1 (march 17-27)
Your creative and well grounded forecast on the eurusd for march 31 2014 forecasting will accepted from 17 march - 27 march on the contest website

Winner will get awards will categories

1,Most accurate forecast will get 200$

2.MOst reasoned forecast will get 175$

3. Best fundamental analysis will get 50$

4. Best technical analysis will get 50$

5. Most creatice forecast will get 25$

So don't miss it only few days left forecast will accepted on last 27 march

 photo FBSCONTEST_zps70493b68.jpg

For further information you can visit at contest website


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