First time i am seeking source of making money online , i amalready trying severall way to making money online , and this is not easy for me because i am only learn standalone without metor , and only using internet as source of information SO many ads that sometime atract me if we have opportunity to making money if following these programme with click ads and then following , But most of ads is product that sale , and i have no intention start from spent money from own pocket , then i am trying from paid to click which we will get paid if we click ads daily even only few cent per click , and this is make boredom too , because to reached minimum payout needed for month click daily and if impatience it will no earning will obtained , yet if ptc is scamm site

And now i am trying to share my experience to start making money from paid to post forum which this forum is already few years always paying all member , minimum to get payout for each month , you should accumulating point more than 1500 point which if getting full payment will equivalent with 15$ , but you shopuld post with following ruels forum to avoid banned member and don't spamming because you will got nothing from this forum

I will exlaained how we can get earning from this forum with some explanation that i knowss

1 . You must have account trading at mayzus bhich this is included in trusted brokerage for many trader forex around the world because bonus will transfered in account trading in this broker , so first you can register account at mayzus . After you registered you need to verify account beaacause if not yet become verified client it will get difficulties to withdraw money , and then you can create account trading in this broker which you can choose real or liteforex type account , i am using liteforex account

2 . Net step is you can register in forum fxfred , and you can follow click register and you will become my referall

 3 . Next step is you must atached account trading in your profile in forum , first you click setting on top page then you see tab edit profile and then you lok down you will find account trading tab , then you just need atached your account trading that already created in mayzus here , then you can start posting in forum to accumulating point to elieible geting bonus for posting , and bonus withdrawable although not for trading , you can atached account at here edit profile I hope this can help you and if have any question , i will trying to answer as i can possible , thankyou for reading


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