Make money with forex

Currentlly   forex business become popular online business , and this is very interested business for many people around the world , and if we want making money from forex business ,we must learn basic forex first , and this is important to learn about forex what is advantage and disadvantage of forex trading
Forex market is very liquid market if compared with another market forex is mot liquid than stocks so many trader trying to catcth opportunity to making proifit from difference price movement

In basic forex is abreviate from foreign exchange , and  what we trade is currency at certain country using currency , and in forex used with called with pair , like as pair GBPUSD , which gbp is poundsterling english and usd is dollar us , this called as pair some trader called this pair namely cable , i don't know why trader called like this

And how to making money from forex trading is simple in theory , we buy at low price and sell at high price , but in practice is not easy like as in imagined , actually forex is complicated business to making money , many factor that can causing price in trend up or down trend ,

Start making money from forex is not easy task for trader , because this business in fact included as speculative investment , all depending with each trader skill trading and how they manage their money in forex market , so very advisable if anyone ineterested in this business then they learn practice with demo account to test skill and learning before imagine easy profit

 So far i am already jined in this business few years already , but my skill to making profit still like as beginner , and i am trade at good broker at FXOpen , and you can register in this broker with follow Open Real Account at FXOpen in my view because so far although only trade from forum bonus , but all withdrawl processed very well and no big problem , this broker actually very help in my online earning , i am very happy because getting more than 300$ from fxopen free without any investment , all i need is only active in forum fxopen
But to become verified client we should get verifyig with fulfilling document requirement , country ID and electricty bill
If you have any question you can ask question in forum client problem , thank you for reading and i wish you will become profesional trader better than me


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