Get Paid from fxfred (htis forum not paid anymore)

While many trader might already making good earning from forex trading , i am still always in learning stage till now , my motto is only simple , because forex is risky business , which trader have possibility to lose their money in forex market , so the golden rules in high risk investment is only spent money that afford to lose , i am get this from forum general and this rules is very essential , especially for newbie which often they only thinking about easy earning through forex trading after learn some easy theory how to making profit from forex trading

Although forex trading opened for everyone , but in fact not everyone will suitable with this business , i ever hear from friend iin forum forex which they share ever get huge loss in this arena this is proven if actually forex is not easy job for all trader , maybe we ever hear if around 90 percent trader fail in this arena and only left around 5 percent that able survive and make money from it

So rather than newbie jump directly to real account , many senior trader giving suggestion better for them to practice with demo account , maybe different opinion about how long trader newbie trade on demo , and in my own opinion , because many trader can't maintain their account more than six month , so if newbie able maintain account more than six month , it will good to built up courage or self confident , if ready then they also have money to investing in forex account , so they can start in real account , but should to remember , spent money that afford to lose , because succeed on demo still can't guarantee getting success too in real account , main reason is about psychology trading , normally trade on demo account will free of emotion pressure , so faced with large loss floating then no effect in minds , but will different sice trade on real account which emotion will have important role during trades , because treat real money , hence trader sometime will having tendencies to become greedy , fear,panic etc , and this is psychology factor that influenced
And because i am also still on learnng stage , so i am prefer trade with bonus whihc this is very help for newbie and poor trader to trade forex but no money to investing , but we need keep active and follow forum rules to avoid banned member , if got banned so will lose opportunity to trade without spent from own pocket

ANd today after waiting on month , again i got bonus from FXFRED forum , this bonus is withdrawable , although no trade first , although not in big number only 22.80$ but this is making happy for newbie because get earning and capital to trade in real account with free , might you want to read again my post about fxfred on here

 photo FXFREDPAOUTMARCH_zps97210241.jpg
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